这是一个简单的基于 Web Audio API 的音效引擎。
我开发这个音效引擎是因为我觉得 cocos2d-js 的音效引擎不好用。cocos2d-js 在移动端无法预先加载音频资源,不支持 sprite,也不支持循环节。
2017/04/01 更新: 现在支持 sprite 了,可以取出音频的其中一小段来播放。
This is a simple audio engine that base on Web Audio API.
I developed it because I think cocos2d-js sound engine is not convenient to use. Cocos2d-js can not preload audio resources on the mobile side.
2017/04/01 Update: Now support “Audio Sprite”! You can slice a piece of audio to play.
English: https://benzleung.github.io/benz-audio-engine/demo-eng.html
First, download “benzAudioEngine.js” and quote to HTML:
<!-- 只需要下载一个js并引用 -->
<!-- Just use ONE js file only -->
<script src="path/to/benzAudioEngine.js"></script>
<!-- 也可以选择压缩版本 -->
<!-- or use the minified version -->
<script src="path/to/benzAudioEngine.min.js"></script>
Then, load the audio file:
// 加载一个 MP3
// load an MP3 file
benzAudioEngine.load('path/to/audio-file.mp3', function() {
// 加载完毕后回调
// callback while loading is finish
// 加载多个 MP3
// load several MP3 files
benzAudioEngine.load(['path/to/audio1.mp3', 'path/to/audio2.mp3'], function() {
// 所有加载完毕后回调(只回调一次)
// callback while all files are loaded (callback only once)
Finally, play:
(Tips: English Version in the NEXT SECTION)
* 是否支持 Web Audio API
* @return {boolean}
var isSupport = benzAudioEngine.support();
* 加载音频文件
* @param {string|string[]} srcArray 音频文件路径(或者多个路径组成的数组)
* @param {function} [callback] 所有音频文件加载完毕后的回调
benzAudioEngine.load(srcArray, callback);
* 建立 Audio Sprites。也就是把某个音频的某一小片段取出来。
* @param {string} src 音频文件路径
* @param {object} spriteData 使用一个固定格式定义小片段的名字、开始时间、结束时间
* {
* '名字1' : [开始时间, 结束时间],
* '名字2' : [开始时间, 结束时间],
* ...
* }
benzAudioEngine.sprite(src, spriteData);
// 示例:
benzAudioEngine.sprite('path/to/a.mp3', {
'a.mp3$1' : [0.0, 1.5],
'a.mp3$2' : [1.85, 2.63],
'feel free to name the sprite' : [3.14, 6.66]
// 同样支持循环节
benzAudioEngine.play('feel free to name the sprite', 0.1, 3.1);
* 卸载音频文件,释放内存
* @param {string|string[]} srcArray 音频文件路径(或者多个路径组成的数组)
* 播放音频文件,若文件尚未加载,则不播放(不会自动加载,也不会返回任何提示,
* 因为游戏音效宁可不发声也不要延时发声)
* @param {string} src 音频文件路径
* @param {number} [loopStart] 循环开始时间
* @param {number} [loopEnd] 循环结束时间,若不指定,则音频只播放一次
* @return {int} 返回一个ID值,这个ID值用于操作暂停和停止,若不需要暂停和停止,
* 则不需要理会这个返回值(不设置循环的话,音频播放完毕会自动停止)
var id = benzAudioEngine.play(src, loopStart, loopEnd);
* 暂停某个音频
* @param {int} id 要暂停的音频的ID
* 继续播放某个音频
* @param {int} id 已经暂停的音频的ID
* 停止某个音频
* @param {int} id 要暂停的音频的ID
* 设置音量,这是所有音频的统一音量,暂时没有对某个音频单独设置音量的功能
* @param {number} vol 音量值,范围是 0.0 - 1.0
* 获得当前音量
* @return {number} 音量,0.0 - 1.0
var vol = benzAudioEngine.getVolume();
* 设置静音,所有音频都静音,暂时没有对某个音频单独设置的功能
* @param {boolean} muted 是否静音,true 为静音, false 为不静音
* 获得当前是否已静音
* @return {boolean}
var isMuted = benzAudioEngine.getMuted();
* 暂停所有音频
* 停止所有音频
* Check if the system support Web Audio API
* @return {boolean}
var isSupport = benzAudioEngine.support();
* Load audio file(s)
* @param {string|string[]} srcArray - Path to audio file, or an array of several
* file paths
* @param {function} [callback] - A callback when all files are loaded
benzAudioEngine.load(srcArray, callback);
* Create Audio Sprites. That is, a small piece of audio to take out.
* @param {string} src - Path to audio file.
* @param {object} spriteData - Use a fixed format to define the name,
* the start time, and the end time of the sprite
* {
* 'spriteName1' : [startTime, endTime],
* 'spriteName2' : [startTime, endTime],
* ...
* }
benzAudioEngine.sprite(src, spriteData);
// Example:
benzAudioEngine.sprite('path/to/a.mp3', {
'a.mp3$1' : [0.0, 1.5],
'a.mp3$2' : [1.85, 2.63],
'feel free to name the sprite' : [3.14, 6.66]
// also supported loop
benzAudioEngine.play('feel free to name the sprite', 0.1, 3.1);
* release memory
* @param {string|string[]} srcArray - Path to audio file, or an array of several
* file paths
* Play the audio file
* If the file has not been loaded yet, give up playing
* (no automatically load, no error, no return)
* It is because the sound effect in game would rather not sound
* and do not delay the sound
* @param {string} src - Path to audio file
* @param {number} [loopStart] - The starting time of the loop cycle (Optional)
* @param {number} [loopEnd] - The ending time of the loop cycle (Optional)
* If undefined, the audio play once and stop at the end
* @return {int} - return an ID value. The value is used to control pause and stop.
* If you do not need to pause and stop, then ignore the return value.
var id = benzAudioEngine.play(src, loopStart, loopEnd);
* Pause an audio
* @param {int} id - The ID of audio you want to pause
* Resume a paused audio
* @param {int} id - The ID of audio that is paused
* Stop an audio
* @param {int} id - The ID of audio you want to stop
* Set the volume.
* This is a unified volume for all audio, and there is no function to
* set the volume for a particular audio
* @param {number} vol - Volume value. The range is from 0.0 to 1.0
* Get the current volume
* @return {number} - Volume value. The range is from 0.0 to 1.0
var vol = benzAudioEngine.getVolume();
* Set mute.
* All audio would be muted, there is no function for a particular audio set.
* @param {boolean} muted - true: muted, false: unmuted
* Get whether to mute
* @return {boolean}
var isMuted = benzAudioEngine.getMuted();
* Pause all audio
* Stop all audio
MIT license.